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Our Beliefs

Statement of Faith

WE BELIEVE in God the Father, from whom all things come, in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord, and in the Holy Spirit, one God in three Persons, indivisible. By the Father, we are perfectly loved. By the Son, born of a virgin, fully God and fully man, are we brought to salvation. By the Holy Spirit are we divinely indwelt. God is omniscient, almighty, infinite, yet personal. His very nature is the essence of love. He is "Abba" (Daddy). He is sovereign and active today in fullness of power.


WE BELIEVE that man, as created in God's image, is a fellowship of two, male and female, equal under authority. We are wonderfully and fearfully made, designed for fellowship with the Creator as creatures both fully physical and fully spiritual. By the willful rebellion of our race, each of us is shattered in every good capacity. All of us have sinned. Each of us needs the Savior desperately, and by choosing Him, each one is redeemed.


WE BELIEVE the Bible to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God which alone is binding on all the church for all time. It is eternal, living and active, spiritual food for the spiritual man. It is the absolute description of the spiritual law of the universe, the way reality actually works. As such, it is infallible and sufficient for matters of life, faith and practice.


WE BELIEVE salvation to be by the name of Jesus alone. The inevitable consequence of the sin of which all of us partake is death and broken relationship with God both here and in the hereafter. By His substitutionary sacrifice on the cross of Calvary, the God-man, Jesus Christ, who was the propitiation for our sin, took our death on Himself. He died, was buried, descended into Hell (I Peter 3:18-19), and was resurrected in the body on the third day, according to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and now sits in power at the right hand of God the Father. By His death we are forgiven. By His resurrection we are given new life that we might again have fellowship with Him. This salvation begins in the present for the healing of both body and spirit and will be completed in the resurrection at the last day when He returns to judge the living and the dead and to receive His people to Himself.


THE CHURCH is Christ's body, His bride, composed of all those who acknowledge Him as Lord and Savior and who have committed to serve Him in love. It is called by Him to proclaim the gospel, to make disciples, to serve and obey Him in all His Word. It is a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, an organism endowed with power to do His work by virtue of the coming of the Spirit on the whole church on the day of Pentecost.


WE RECOGNIZE two sacraments, baptism and the Lord's Supper, while affirming the sacred character of every other act of the body of Christ.


WE AFFIRM the ancient creeds of Christian faith.



--Culture current and heart felt worship and praise as a first obligation to God.


--The accurate and consistent teaching of the Scriptures as the basis for all life and practice.


-- Ministries of mercy and compassion for all in need of mercy and compassion. We seek to meet real needs of real people with both resources and program in every area of life.


-- People. We seek to encourage and release people into the ministries for which they were divinely created. We seek to treat every individual with respect, courtesy, and consistency. We want to see people grow and develop as individuals. We seek to restore that which is broken, no matter what area of life that might include.


-- Relationship and ministries that encourage relationship. This includes relationships within the church, outside the church, and in families.


-- Evangelism by any and all means that are culturally appropriate, sensitive toward people, and demonstrably effective.




8242 N. Pecos Street

Denver, CO 80221


Phone: (303) 430-8100




Office Hours:

Tues - Thurs: 9am-3pm

Fri: 9am-12pm


Morning Worship:

Every Sunday @ 10am


Midweek Service:

Every Wednesday

Armory Prayer @ 6pm

Bible Study @ 7pm


Food Pantry:

Every Sunday: 12:30pm-1:30pm


© 2022 New Song Church & Ministries. All Rights Reserved. Designed by JusRoyalty Media 

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